[reportlab-users] adjust the horizontal position of Flowable

furuichh at onid.orst.edu furuichh at onid.orst.edu
Wed May 31 13:51:00 EDT 2006


We are creating a PDF document by using SimpleDocTemplate of ReportLab.

We know how to add a vertical space by using an instance of Spacer.
However, we do not know how to add a horizontal space prececeeding
a Flowable.

We thought that the first argument of the Spacer constructor,
such as Spacer(3.0*inch, 0.2*inch), might be the
amount of a horizontal space, but it did not cause any effect.

We also modified the following properties of our Flowable const_block:

    const_block.hAlign ='LEFT'
    const_block.width = 6*inch
    const_block.spaceBefore = 3*inch

However, these changed did not cause the desired effect.

We will appreciate any advice.

In responding to this inquiry, please CC to furuichh at onid.orst.edu
and minoura at eece.orst.edu.

Thank you in advance.


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