[reportlab-users] Table instance has no attribute '_rowpositions'

rptl at s.rhythm.cx rptl at s.rhythm.cx
Mon Feb 14 22:31:43 EST 2005

Hi everyone. I'm new to reportlab - it looks pretty neat. I'm having a
problem with one of my initial experiments. I'm trying to put a simple
table onto a page with this code:

	from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
	from reportlab.platypus import Table
	data = [['ul','ur'],['ll','lr']]
	c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")

However, the following exception is thrown up from the guts of reportlab and
doesn't mean too much to me:

	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File "./pr.py", line 11, in ?
	    t.drawOn(c,200,100) File
	line97, in drawOn
	    self._drawOn(canvas) File
	line82, in _drawOn
	    self.draw()#this is the bit you overload File
	    line 951, in draw for row, rowstyle, rowpos, rowheight in
	    map(None, self._cellvalues,
	self._cellStyles, self._rowpositions[1:], self._rowHeights):
	AttributeError: Table instance has no attribute '_rowpositions'

Can anyone explain what's wrong?


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