[reportlab-users] Large table cells

Erik Stephens reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Thu, 9 Sep 2004 01:44:30 -0700

On Sep 9, 2004, at 1:07 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

> ....table cells don't split. I suppose they could, but the logic isn't 
> in there yet.

Ugh, that's what I was afraid of.  Any experimental code that I could 
play with?  Or should I resort to just try to split the cell at my 
application level?  Thanks for the response.

On a similar note, if I could emulate the HTML equivalent of the 
'float' CSS property, my splitting problems could be solved since I 
wouldn't need a two-column table to achieve the desired effect.  Hope 
that makes sense.  Here's an ascii art:

| .........  +-------+ |
| ...........| float | |
| .........  +-------+ |
| ........             |

Anyone have experience doing something like this with flowables, where 
the float piece gets rendered over the ... piece?
