[reportlab-users] Processor for kugar definitions

Andy Robinson reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 22:36:36 -0000

That does sound neat!  I have not played with Kugar but we'll
try to give it a go on - I am very interested in anything with
a visual layout engine we could hook into.

If you would like it included in the main distribution, then
I am willing to put it under 'demos' as it's of good general
teaching interest; but we need a couple more things to go with it:

(1) you refer to a layout file in your 
    p = XMLReplab('../config/demooffertenw.kut',InMemory=False)
We need that file in the current directory for your code to be runnable

(2) A readme or HTML document explaining the 'big picture'.  I suggest 
an HTML page and screenshot of kudesigner laying out the report, 
since lots of people will not have used that.

It should definitely have a page on our web site.

I don't have a Linux box to play on, so perhaps you can tell
me and the group what features Kugar offers.  Is it just
a single level of detail, or can it do nested grouping and
conditional subreports, like Crystal or MS Access?


Andy Robinson