[reportlab-users] Memory consumption of a "simple" document seems excessive

Andy Robinson reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Fri, 9 Jan 2004 01:45:56 -0000

> >.... that's what I meant. Since flowables don't know/care about
> >_postponed they can't be clever about setting it to zero or preserving
> >it if they make no progress. If one of the split returns is as large as
> >the original then it should logically have _postponed = 1

I just updated my doctemplate fix to allow ten empty pages,
because I was working on an app which deliberately generates
up to 3 empty pages (to ensure output for print is in
multiples of 4).

I think the original _postponed is better than my fix and
should go back in, but I haven't done this yet.

I also think we should have an rl_config variable and a 
DocTemplate attribute for "what to do with layout errors".
Options could be:
1. raise LayoutError and stop, with lots of info on the identity
of the portponed flowable (this is the default)
2. make a PDF up to that point and stop
3. make a PDF with a warning paragraph at that point

I think we also need to add in some support for tracing.
At present every flowable has a method identity(...) which
should return a string useful in identifying it.  e.g.
for a paragraph, you can the first few words of the text.

Any thoughts on this?

