[reportlab-users] RE: Infinite loop when table with Paragraph overflows a page

Henning von Bargen reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:04:31 +0100

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> From: David Fraser <davidf@sjsoft.com>
> To: reportlab-users@reportlab.com
> Subject: [reportlab-users] Infinite loop when table with Paragraph
overflows a page
> Reply-To: reportlab-users@reportlab.com
> Hi
> More table layout issues ...
> We've had trouble with the layout of a table with a large cell that 
> doesn't fit in the page.
> If I run the attached test with numtests=6, the python process starts 
> using up loads of memory and CPU, eventually growing to at least 500MB
> We don't neccessarily need to display all the data (as it doesn't fit), 
> but it would be nice if there was some way to trap this condition and 
> either (prefarably) truncate it or at least raise an error.
> The test basically produces a table with three columns, one of which has 
> a paragraph in it with lots of text.
> Successive tables with more and more text are produced. If you stop off 
> at numtests=5 (the default value), everything is fine.
> Any comments on where this might be in the code or how we can avoid it?
> Thanks
> David

David, I've seen a similar problem using tables.
It could be that the source of this is somewhere inside the Table
    def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
        self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
        if self.splitByRow:
            if self._width>availWidth: return []
            return self._splitRows(availHeight)
            raise NotImplementedError

Try commenting out the line 
            if self._width>availWidth: return []

I did this for my own LongTable implementation.
It will result in the table to be displayed (however,
information gets lost because not all data fits on the page).

This may also have something to do the line wrapping code
in the Paragraph class, especially if the paragraph contains
long words.


You might also test my LongTable class.
It works just like Table, but is designed for long tables.


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#copyright ReportLab Inc. 2000
#see license.txt for license details
#history =
#$Header: /cvsroot/reportlab/reportlab/platypus/tables.py,v 1.66 =
2003/07/09 08:17:44 rgbecker Exp $
__version__=3D''' $Id: tables.py,v 1.66 2003/07/09 08:17:44 rgbecker =
Exp $ '''
Tables are created by passing the constructor a tuple of column widths, =
a tuple of row heights and the data in
row order. Drawing of the table can be controlled by using a TableStyle =
instance. This allows control of the
color and weight of the lines (if any), and the font, alignment and =
padding of the text.

None values in the sequence of row heights or column widths, mean that =
the corresponding rows
or columns should be automatically sized.

All the cell values should be convertible to strings; embedded newline =
'\\n' characters
cause the value to wrap (ie are like a traditional linefeed).

See the test output from running this module as a script for a =
discussion of the method for constructing
tables and table styles.

from reportlab.platypus import *
from reportlab import rl_config
from reportlab.lib.styles import PropertySet, getSampleStyleSheet, =
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.utils import fp_str
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.platypus.flowables import PageBreak

from reportlab.platypus.tables import CellStyle, LINECAPS, LINEJOINS, =

import operator, string

from types import TupleType, ListType, StringType

TableStyleType =3D type(TableStyle())
_SeqTypes =3D (TupleType, ListType)

def _rowLen(x):
    return type(x) not in _SeqTypes and 1 or len(x)

class LongTable(Flowable):
    def __init__(self, data, colWidths=3DNone, rowHeights=3DNone, =
                repeatRows=3D0, repeatCols=3D0, splitByRow=3D1, =
        #print "colWidths", colWidths
        self.hAlign =3D 'CENTER'
        self.vAlign =3D 'MIDDLE'
        if type(data) not in _SeqTypes:
            raise ValueError, "%s invalid data type" % self.identity()
        self._nrows =3D nrows =3D len(data)
        if nrows: self._ncols =3D ncols =3D max(map(_rowLen,data))
        elif colWidths: ncols =3D len(colWidths)
        else: ncols =3D 0
        if not emptyTableAction: emptyTableAction =3D =
        if not (nrows and ncols):
            if emptyTableAction=3D=3D'error':
                raise ValueError, "%s must have at least a row and =
column" % self.identity()
            elif emptyTableAction=3D=3D'indicate':
                self.__class__ =3D Preformatted
                global _emptyTableStyle
                if '_emptyTableStyle' not in globals().keys():
                    _emptyTableStyle =3D =
                    _emptyTableStyle.textColor =3D colors.red
                    _emptyTableStyle.backColor =3D colors.yellow
                Preformatted.__init__(self,'LongTable(%d,%d)' % =
(nrows,ncols), _emptyTableStyle)
            elif emptyTableAction=3D=3D'ignore':
                self.__class__ =3D Spacer
                raise ValueError, '%s bad emptyTableAction: "%s"' % =

        if colWidths is None: colWidths =3D ncols*[None]
        elif len(colWidths) !=3D ncols:
            raise ValueError, "%s data error - %d columns in data but =
%d in grid" % (self.identity(),ncols, len(colWidths))
        if rowHeights is None: rowHeights =3D nrows*[None]
        elif len(rowHeights) !=3D nrows:
            raise ValueError, "%s data error - %d rows in data but %d =
in grid" % (self.identity(),nrows, len(rowHeights))
        for i in range(nrows):
            if len(data[i]) !=3D ncols:
                raise ValueError, "%s not enough data points in row =
%d!" % (self.identity(),i)
        self._cellvalues =3D data
        self._rowHeights =3D self._argH =3D rowHeights
        self._colWidths =3D self._argW =3D colWidths
        cellrows =3D []
        for i in range(nrows):
            cellcols =3D []
            for j in range(ncols):
        self._cellStyles =3D cellrows

        self._bkgrndcmds =3D []
        self._linecmds =3D []
        self._spanCmds =3D []
        self.repeatRows =3D repeatRows
        self.repeatCols =3D repeatCols
        self.splitByRow =3D splitByRow

        if style:
    def __repr__(self):
        "incomplete, but better than nothing"
        r =3D self._rowHeights
        c =3D self._colWidths
        cv =3D self._cellvalues
        import pprint, string
        cv =3D pprint.pformat(cv)
        cv =3D string.replace(cv, "\n", "\n  ")
        return "LongTable(\n rowHeights=3D%s,\n colWidths=3D%s,\n%s\n) =
# end table" % (r,c,cv)

    def identity(self, maxLen=3D30):
        '''Identify our selves as well as possible'''
        vx =3D None
        nr =3D getattr(self,'_nrows','unknown')
        nc =3D getattr(self,'_ncols','unknown')
        cv =3D self._cellvalues
        if cv and 'unknown' not in (nr,nc):
            b =3D 0
            for i in xrange(nr):
                for j in xrange(nc):
                    v =3D cv[i][j]
                    t =3D type(v)
                    if t in _SeqTypes or isinstance(v,Flowable):
                        if not t in _SeqTypes: v =3D (v,)
                        r =3D ''
                        for vij in v:
                            r =3D vij.identity(maxLen)
                            if r and r[-4:]!=3D'>...':
                        if r and r[-4:]!=3D'>...':
                            ix, jx, vx, b =3D i, j, r, 1
                        v =3D v is None and '' or str(v)
                        ix, jx, vx =3D i, j, v
                        b =3D (vx and t is StringType) and 1 or 0
                        if maxLen: vx =3D vx[:maxLen]
                    if b: break
                if b: break
        if vx:
            vx =3D ' with cell(%d,%d) containing\n%s' % =
            vx =3D '...'

        return "<%s at %d %d rows x %s cols>%s" % =
(self.__class__.__name__, id(self), nr, nc, vx)

    def _listCellGeom(self, V,w,s,W=3DNone,H=3DNone):
        aW =3D w-s.leftPadding-s.rightPadding
        t =3D 0
        w =3D 0
        canv =3D getattr(self,'canv',None)
        for v in V:
            vw, vh =3D v.wrapOn(canv,aW, 72000)
            if W is not None: W.append(vw)
            if H is not None: H.append(vh)
            w =3D max(w,vw)
            t =3D t + vh + v.getSpaceBefore()+v.getSpaceAfter()
        return w, t - V[0].getSpaceBefore()-V[-1].getSpaceAfter()

    def _calc_width(self):
        #comments added by Andy to Robin's slightly
        #terse variable names
        #print "_calc_width"
        W =3D self._argW  #widths array
        #print 'widths array =3D %s' % str(self._colWidths)
        canv =3D getattr(self,'canv',None)
        saved =3D None

        if None in W:  #some column widths are not given
            if self._spanCmds:
                colspans =3D self._colSpannedCells
                colspans =3D {}
##            k =3D colspans.keys()
##            k.sort()
##            print 'the following cells are part of spanned ranges: =
%s' % k
            W =3D W[:]
            self._colWidths =3D W
            while None in W:
                j =3D W.index(None) #find first unspecified column
                #print 'sizing column %d' % j
                f =3D lambda x,j=3Dj: operator.getitem(x,j)
                V =3D map(f,self._cellvalues)  #values for this column
                S =3D map(f,self._cellStyles)  #styles for this column
                w =3D 0
                i =3D 0
                for v, s in map(None, V, S):
                    #if the current cell is part of a spanned region,
                    #assume a zero size.
                    if colspans.has_key((j, i)):
                        #print 'sizing a spanned cell (%d, %d) with =
content "%s"' % (j, i, str(v))
                        t =3D 0.0
                    else:#work out size
                        t =3D self._elementWidth(v,s)
                        if t is None:
                            raise ValueError, "Flowable %s in =
cell(%d,%d) can't have auto width\n%s" % =
                        t =3D t + s.leftPadding+s.rightPadding
                    if t>w: w =3D t   #record a new maximum
                    i =3D i + 1

                #print 'max width for column %d is %0.2f' % (j, w)
                W[j] =3D w

        width =3D 0
        self._colpositions =3D [0]        #index -1 is right side =
boundary; we skip when processing cells
        for w in W:
            #print w, width
            width =3D width + w
        #print "final width", width

        self._width =3D width

    def _elementWidth(self,v,s):
        t =3D type(v)
        if t in _SeqTypes:
            w =3D 0
            for e in v:
                ew =3D self._elementWidth(self,v)
                if ew is None: return None
                w =3D max(w,ew)
            return w
        elif isinstance(v,Flowable) and v._fixedWidth:
            return v.width
            if t is not StringType: v =3D v is None and '' or str(v)
            v =3D string.split(v, "\n")
            return max(map(lambda a, b=3Ds.fontname, =
c=3Ds.fontsize,d=3Dpdfmetrics.stringWidth: d(a,b,c), v))

    def _calc_height(self, availHeight):

        #print "start of calc_heights, H=3D", self._argH, =
"availHeight=3D", availHeight

        H =3D self._argH
        W =3D self._argW

        canv =3D getattr(self,'canv',None)
        saved =3D None

        #get a handy list of any cells which span rows.
        #these should be ignored for sizing
        if self._spanCmds:
            spans =3D self._rowSpannedCells
            spans =3D {}
        cntcalc =3D 0
        self._Hmax =3D len(H)

        if None in H:
            if canv: saved =3D canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, =
            H =3D H[:]    #make a copy as we'll change it
            self._rowHeights =3D H
            while None in H:
                i =3D H.index(None)
                # we can stop if we have filled up all available room
                self._Hmax =3D i
                heightUpToNow =3D reduce(operator.add, H[:i], 0)
                if heightUpToNow > availHeight:
                    #print "breaking with Hmax=3D%d" % i
                #print "calculating row#%d" % i
                cntcalc +=3D 1
                V =3D self._cellvalues[i] # values for row i
                S =3D self._cellStyles[i] # styles for row i
                h =3D 0
                j =3D 0
                for v, s, w in map(None, V, S, W): # value, style, =
width (lengths must match)
                    if spans.has_key((j, i)):
                        t =3D 0.0  # don't count it, it's either =
occluded or unreliable
                        t =3D type(v)
                        if t in _SeqTypes or isinstance(v,Flowable):
                            if not t in _SeqTypes: v =3D (v,)
                            if w is None:
                                raise ValueError, "Flowable %s in =
cell(%d,%d) can't have auto width in\n%s" % =
                            if canv: canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, =
canv._leading =3D s.fontname, s.fontsize, s.leading or 1.2*s.fontsize
                            dW,t =3D self._listCellGeom(v,w,s)
                            if canv: canv._fontname, canv._fontsize, =
canv._leading =3D saved
                            #print "leftpadding, rightpadding", =
s.leftPadding, s.rightPadding
                            dW =3D dW + s.leftPadding + s.rightPadding
                            if not rl_config.allowTableBoundsErrors and =
                                raise "LayoutError", "Flowable %s =
(%sx%s points) too wide for cell(%d,%d) (%sx* points) in\n%s" % =
(v[0].identity(30),fp_str(dW),fp_str(t),i,j, fp_str(w), =
                            if t is not StringType:
                                v =3D v is None and '' or str(v)
                            v =3D string.split(v, "\n")
                            t =3D s.leading*len(v)
                        t =3D t+s.bottomPadding+s.topPadding
                    if t>h: h =3D t   #record a new maximum
                    j =3D j + 1

                H[i] =3D h
                self._Hmax =3D len(H)

            #print "height calculated for %d rows" % cntcalc
        height =3D self._height =3D reduce(operator.add, =
H[:self._Hmax], 0)
        #print "height, H", height, H
        self._rowpositions =3D [height]    # index 0 is actually =
topline; we skip when processing cells
        for h in H[:self._Hmax]:
            height =3D height - h
        assert abs(height)<1e-8, 'Internal height error'
        #print "end of calc_heights, H=3D", H

    def _calc(self, availWidth, availHeight):
        #if hasattr(self,'_width'): return

        #in some cases there are unsizable things in
        #cells.  If so, apply a different algorithm
        #and assign some withs in a dumb way.
        #this CHANGES the widths array.
        if None in self._colWidths:
            if self._hasVariWidthElements():

        # need to know which cells are part of spanned
        # ranges, so _calc_height and _calc_width can ignore them
        # in sizing
        if self._spanCmds:
        # calculate the full table height
        #print 'during calc, self._colWidths=3D', self._colWidths

        # if the width has already been calculated, don't calculate =
        # there's surely a better, more pythonic way to short circuit =
        if hasattr(self,'_width_calculated_once'): return
        self._width_calculated_once =3D 1

        # calculate the full table width

        if self._spanCmds:
            #now work out the actual rect for each spanned cell
            #from the underlying grid

    def _hasVariWidthElements(self, upToRow=3DNone):
        """Check for flowables in table cells and warn up front.

        Allow a couple which we know are fixed size such as
        images and graphics."""
        bad =3D 0
        if upToRow is None: upToRow =3D self._nrows
        for row in range(min(self._nrows, upToRow)):
            for col in range(self._ncols):
                value =3D self._cellvalues[row][col]
                if not self._canGetWidth(value):
                    bad =3D 1
                    #raise Exception('Unsizable elements found at row =
%d column %d in table with content:\n %s' % (row, col, value))
        return bad

    def _canGetWidth(self, thing):
        "Can we work out the width quickly?"
        if type(thing) in (ListType, TupleType):
            for elem in thing:
                if not self._canGetWidth(elem):
                    return 0
            return 1
        elif isinstance(thing, Flowable):
            return thing._fixedWidth  # must loosen this up
        else: #string, number, None etc.
            #anything else gets passed to str(...)
            # so should be sizable
            return 1

    def _calcPreliminaryWidths(self, availWidth):
        """Fallback algorithm for when main one fails.

        Where exact width info not given but things like
        paragraphs might be present, do a preliminary scan
        and assign some sensible values - just divide up
        all unsizeable columns by the remaining space."""
        verbose =3D 0
        totalDefined =3D 0.0
        numberUndefined =3D 0
        for w in self._colWidths:
            if w is None:
                numberUndefined =3D numberUndefined + 1
                totalDefined =3D totalDefined + w
        if verbose: print 'prelim width calculation.  %d columns, %d =
undefined width, %0.2f units remain' % (
            self._ncols, numberUndefined, availWidth - totalDefined)

        #check columnwise in each None column to see if they are =
        given =3D []
        sizeable =3D []
        unsizeable =3D []
        for colNo in range(self._ncols):
            if self._colWidths[colNo] is None:
                siz =3D 1
                for rowNo in range(self._nrows):
                    value =3D self._cellvalues[rowNo][colNo]
                    if not self._canGetWidth(value):
                        siz =3D 0
                if siz:
        if len(given) =3D=3D self._ncols:
        if verbose: print 'predefined width:   ',given
        if verbose: print 'uncomputable width: ',unsizeable
        if verbose: print 'computable width:    ',sizeable

        #how much width is left:
        # on the next iteration we could size the sizeable ones, for =
now I'll just
        # divide up the space
        newColWidths =3D list(self._colWidths)
        guessColWidth =3D (availWidth - totalDefined) / =
        assert guessColWidth >=3D 0, "table is too wide already, cannot =
choose a sane width for undefined columns"
        if verbose: print 'assigning width %0.2f to all undefined =
columns' % guessColWidth
        for colNo in sizeable:
            newColWidths[colNo] =3D guessColWidth
        for colNo in unsizeable:
            newColWidths[colNo] =3D guessColWidth

        self._colWidths =3D newColWidths
        self._argW =3D newColWidths
        if verbose: print 'new widths are:', self._colWidths
    def _calcSpanRanges(self):
        """Work out rects for tables which do row and column spanning.

        This creates some mappings to let the later code determine
        if a cell is part of a "spanned" range.
        self._spanRanges shows the 'coords' in integers of each
        'cell range', or None if it was clobbered:
          (col, row) -> (col0, row0, col1, row1)

        Any cell not in the key is not part of a spanned region
        spanRanges =3D {}
        for row in range(self._nrows):
            for col in range(self._ncols):
                spanRanges[(col, row)] =3D (col, row, col, row)

        for (cmd, start, stop) in self._spanCmds:
            x0, y0 =3D start
            x1, y1 =3D stop

            if x0 < 0: x0 =3D x0 + self._ncols
            if x1 < 0: x1 =3D x1 + self._ncols
            if y0 < 0: y0 =3D y0 + self._nrows
            if y1 < 0: y1 =3D y1 + self._nrows
            if x0 > x1:
                x0, x1 =3D x1, x0
            if y0 > y1:
                y0, y1 =3D y1, y0

            # unset/clobber all the ones it
            # overwrites
            for y in range(y0, y1+1):
                for x in range(x0, x1+1):
                    spanRanges[x, y] =3D None

            # set the main entry           =20
            spanRanges[x0,y0] =3D (x0, y0, x1, y1)
##            from pprint import pprint as pp
##            pp(spanRanges)
        self._spanRanges =3D spanRanges

        #now produce a "listing" of all cells which
        #are part of a spanned region, so the normal
        #sizing algorithm can not bother sizing such cells
        colSpannedCells =3D {}
        for (key, value) in spanRanges.items():
            if value is None:
                colSpannedCells[key] =3D 1
            elif len(value) =3D=3D 4:
                if value[0] =3D=3D value[2]:
                    #not colspanned
                    colSpannedCells[key] =3D 1
        self._colSpannedCells =3D colSpannedCells
        #ditto for row-spanned ones.
        rowSpannedCells =3D {}
        for (key, value) in spanRanges.items():
            if value is None:
                rowSpannedCells[key] =3D 1
            elif len(value) =3D=3D 4:
                if value[1] =3D=3D value[3]:
                    #not rowspanned
                    rowSpannedCells[key] =3D 1
        self._rowSpannedCells =3D rowSpannedCells

    def _calcSpanRects(self):
        """Work out rects for tables which do row and column spanning.

        Based on self._spanRanges, which is already known,
        and the widths which were given or previously calculated,=20
        self._spanRects shows the real coords for drawing:
          (col, row) -> (x, y, width, height)
        for each cell.  Any cell which 'does not exist' as another
        has spanned over it will get a None entry on the right
        spanRects =3D {}
        for (coord, value) in self._spanRanges.items():
            if value is None:
                spanRects[coord] =3D None
                col,row =3D coord
                col0, row0, col1, row1 =3D value
                x =3D self._colpositions[col0]
                y =3D self._rowpositions[row1+1]  # should I add 1 for =
bottom left?
                width =3D self._colpositions[col1+1] - x
                height =3D self._rowpositions[row0] - y
                spanRects[coord] =3D (x, y, width, height)
        self._spanRects =3D spanRects

    def setStyle(self, tblstyle):
        if type(tblstyle) is not TableStyleType:
            tblstyle =3D TableStyle(tblstyle)
        for cmd in tblstyle.getCommands():
        for k,v in tblstyle._opts.items():

    def _addCommand(self,cmd):
        if cmd[0] =3D=3D 'BACKGROUND':
        elif cmd[0] =3D=3D 'SPAN':
        elif _isLineCommand(cmd):
            # we expect op, start, stop, weight, colour, cap, dashes, =
            cmd =3D tuple(cmd)
            if len(cmd)<5: raise ValueError('bad line command =
            if len(cmd)<6: cmd =3D cmd+(1,)
                cap =3D cmd[5]
                    if type(cap) is not type(int):
                        cap =3D LINECAPS[cap]
                    elif cap<0 or cap>2:
                        raise ValueError
                    cmd =3D cmd[:5]+(cap,)+cmd[6:]
                    ValueError('Bad cap value %s in %s'%(cap,str(cmd)))
            if len(cmd)<7: cmd =3D cmd+(None,)
            if len(cmd)<8: cmd =3D cmd+(1,)
                join =3D cmd[7]
                    if type(join) is not type(int):
                        join =3D LINEJOINS[cap]
                    elif join<0 or join>2:
                        raise ValueError
                    cmd =3D cmd[:7]+(join,)
                    ValueError('Bad join value %s in =
            (op, (sc, sr), (ec, er)), values =3D cmd[:3] , cmd[3:]
            if sc < 0: sc =3D sc + self._ncols
            if ec < 0: ec =3D ec + self._ncols
            if sr < 0: sr =3D sr + self._nrows
            if er < 0: er =3D er + self._nrows
            for i in range(sr, er+1):
                for j in range(sc, ec+1):
                    _setCellStyle(self._cellStyles, i, j, op, values)

    def _drawLines(self):
        ccap, cdash, cjoin =3D None, None, None
        for op, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, cap, dash, join in =
            if sc < 0: sc =3D sc + self._ncols
            if ec < 0: ec =3D ec + self._ncols
            if sr < 0: sr =3D sr + self._nrows
            if er < 0: er =3D er + self._nrows
            if ccap!=3Dcap:
                ccap =3D cap
            getattr(self,_LineOpMap.get(op, '_drawUnknown' ))( (sc, =
sr), (ec, er), weight, color)
        self._curcolor =3D None

    def _drawUnknown(self,  (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        raise ValueError, "Unknown line command '%s'" % op

    def _drawGrid(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        self._drawBox( (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color)
        self._drawInnerGrid( (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color)

    def _drawBox(self,  (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        self._drawHLines((sc, sr), (ec, sr), weight, color)
        self._drawHLines((sc, er+1), (ec, er+1), weight, color)
        self._drawVLines((sc, sr), (sc, er), weight, color)
        self._drawVLines((ec+1, sr), (ec+1, er), weight, color)

    def _drawInnerGrid(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        self._drawHLines((sc, sr+1), (ec, er), weight, color)
        self._drawVLines((sc+1, sr), (ec, er), weight, color)

    def _prepLine(self, weight, color):
        if color !=3D self._curcolor:
            self._curcolor =3D color
        if weight !=3D self._curweight:
            self._curweight =3D weight

    def _drawHLines(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        ecp =3D self._colpositions[sc:ec+2]
        rp =3D self._rowpositions[sr:er+1]
        if len(ecp)<=3D1 or len(rp)<1: return
        self._prepLine(weight, color)
        scp =3D ecp[0]
        ecp =3D ecp[-1]
        for rowpos in rp:
            self.canv.line(scp, rowpos, ecp, rowpos)

    def _drawHLinesB(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        self._drawHLines((sc, sr+1), (ec, er+1), weight, color)

    def _drawVLines(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        erp =3D self._rowpositions[sr:er+2]
        cp  =3D self._colpositions[sc:ec+1]
        if len(erp)<=3D1 or len(cp)<1: return
        self._prepLine(weight, color)
        srp =3D erp[0]
        erp =3D erp[-1]
        for colpos in cp:
            self.canv.line(colpos, srp, colpos, erp)

    def _drawVLinesA(self, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color):
        self._drawVLines((sc+1, sr), (ec+1, er), weight, color)

    def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
        #print "LongTable wrap", availWidth, availHeight
        self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
        #nice and easy, since they are predetermined size
        self.availWidth =3D availWidth
        #print "wrap returning (%d,%d)" % (self._width, self._height)
        return (self._width, self._height)

    def onSplit(self,T,byRow=3D1):
        This method will be called when the Table is split.
        Special purpose tables can override to do special stuff.

    def _cr_0(self,n,cmds):
        for c in cmds:
            c =3D tuple(c)
            (sc,sr), (ec,er) =3D c[1:3]
            if sr>=3Dn: continue
            if er>=3Dn: er =3D n-1
            self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])

    def _cr_1_1(self,n,repeatRows, cmds):
        for c in cmds:
            c =3D tuple(c)
            (sc,sr), (ec,er) =3D c[1:3]
            if sr>=3D0 and sr>=3DrepeatRows and sr<n and er>=3D0 and =
er<n: continue
            if sr>=3DrepeatRows and sr<n: sr=3DrepeatRows
            elif sr>=3DrepeatRows and sr>=3Dn: sr=3Dsr+repeatRows-n
            if er>=3DrepeatRows and er<n: er=3DrepeatRows
            elif er>=3DrepeatRows and er>=3Dn: er=3Der+repeatRows-n
            self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])

    def _cr_1_0(self,n,cmds):
        for c in cmds:
            c =3D tuple(c)
            (sc,sr), (ec,er) =3D c[1:3]
            if er>=3D0 and er<n: continue
            if sr>=3D0 and sr<n: sr=3D0
            if sr>=3Dn: sr =3D sr-n
            if er>=3Dn: er =3D er-n
            self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+c[3:])

    def _splitRows(self,availHeight):
        h =3D 0
        n =3D 0
        #print "in _splitRows, availHeight=3D%d, _rowHeights=3D%s" % =
(availHeight, self._rowHeights)
        lim =3D len(self._rowHeights)
        while n<self._Hmax:
            hn =3D h + self._rowHeights[n]
            if hn>availHeight: break
            h =3D hn
            n =3D n + 1

        if n<=3Dself.repeatRows:
            return []

        if n=3D=3Dlim: return [self]

        repeatRows =3D self.repeatRows
        repeatCols =3D self.repeatCols
        splitByRow =3D self.splitByRow
        data =3D self._cellvalues

        #we're going to split into two superRows
        #R0 =3D Table( data[:n], self._argW, self._argH[:n],
        R0 =3D LongTable( data[:n], self._colWidths, self._argH[:n],
                repeatRows=3DrepeatRows, repeatCols=3DrepeatCols,

        #copy the styles and commands
        R0._cellStyles =3D self._cellStyles[:n]

        A =3D []
        # hack up the line commands
        for op, (sc, sr), (ec, er), weight, color, cap, dash, join in =
            if sc < 0: sc =3D sc + self._ncols
            if ec < 0: ec =3D ec + self._ncols
            if sr < 0: sr =3D sr + self._nrows
            if er < 0: er =3D er + self._nrows

            if op in ('BOX','OUTLINE','GRID'):
                if sr<n and er>=3Dn:
                    # we have to split the BOX
                    A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,sr), (ec,sr), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    A.append(('LINEBEFORE',(sc,sr), (sc,er), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    A.append(('LINEAFTER',(ec,sr), (ec,er), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,er), (ec,er), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    if op=3D=3D'GRID':
                        A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), =
weight, color, cap, dash, join))
                        A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                        A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, =
dash, join))
            elif op in ('INNERGRID','LINEABOVE'):
                if sr<n and er>=3Dn:
                    A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                    A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, =
dash, join))
            elif op =3D=3D 'LINEBELOW':
                if sr<n and er>=3D(n-1):
                    A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color))
            elif op =3D=3D 'LINEABOVE':
                if sr<=3Dn and er>=3Dn:
                    A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, =
color, cap, dash, join))
                A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, =
dash, join))
                A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, =
dash, join))


        if repeatRows:
            #R1 =3D Table(data[:repeatRows]+data[n:],self._argW,
            R1 =3D =
                    repeatRows=3DrepeatRows, repeatCols=3DrepeatCols,
            R1._cellStyles =3D =
            #R1 =3D Table(data[n:], self._argW, self._argH[n:],
            R1 =3D LongTable(data[n:], self._colWidths,
                    repeatRows=3DrepeatRows, repeatCols=3DrepeatCols,
            R1._cellStyles =3D self._cellStyles[n:]

        R0.hAlign =3D R1.hAlign =3D self.hAlign
        R0.vAlign =3D R1.vAlign =3D self.vAlign
        return [R0,R1]

    def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
        #print "LongTable split"
        self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
        if self.splitByRow:
            # Wir brechen selbst dann nicht ab, wenn die Tabelle zu =
breit ist.
            # Matrix-Tabellen die breiter und h=F6her als eine Seite =
            # sind zur Zeit noch nicht implementiert.
            # if self._width>availWidth: return []
            return self._splitRows(availHeight)
            raise NotImplementedError

    def draw(self):
        self._curweight =3D self._curcolor =3D self._curcellstyle =3D =
        if self._spanCmds =3D=3D []:
            # old fashioned case, no spanning, steam on and do each =
            for row, rowstyle, rowpos, rowheight in map(None, =
self._cellvalues, self._cellStyles, self._rowpositions[1:], =
                for cellval, cellstyle, colpos, colwidth in map(None, =
row, rowstyle, self._colpositions[:-1], self._colWidths):
                    self._drawCell(cellval, cellstyle, (colpos, =
rowpos), (colwidth, rowheight))
            # we have some row or col spans, need a more complex =
            # to find the rect for each
            for rowNo in range(self._nrows):
                for colNo in range(self._ncols):
                    cellRect =3D self._spanRects[colNo, rowNo]
                    if cellRect is not None:
                        (x, y, width, height) =3D cellRect
                        cellval =3D self._cellvalues[rowNo][colNo]
                        cellstyle =3D self._cellStyles[rowNo][colNo]
                        self._drawCell(cellval, cellstyle, (x, y), =
(width, height))

    def _drawBkgrnd(self):
        nrows =3D self._nrows
        ncols =3D self._ncols
        for cmd, (sc, sr), (ec, er), arg in self._bkgrndcmds:
            if sc < 0: sc =3D sc + ncols
            if ec < 0: ec =3D ec + ncols
            if sr < 0: sr =3D sr + nrows
            if er < 0: er =3D er + nrows
            x0 =3D self._colpositions[sc]
            y0 =3D self._rowpositions[sr]
            x1 =3D self._colpositions[min(ec+1,ncols)]
            y1 =3D self._rowpositions[min(er+1,nrows)]
            w, h =3D x1-x0, y1-y0
            canv =3D self.canv
            if callable(arg):
                apply(arg,(self,canv, x0, y0, w, h))
                canv.rect(x0, y0, w, h, stroke=3D0,fill=3D1)

    def _drawCell(self, cellval, cellstyle, (colpos, rowpos), =
(colwidth, rowheight)):
        if self._curcellstyle is not cellstyle:
            cur =3D self._curcellstyle
            if cur is None or cellstyle.color !=3D cur.color:
            if cur is None or cellstyle.leading !=3D cur.leading or =
cellstyle.fontname !=3D cur.fontname or cellstyle.fontsize !=3D =
                self.canv.setFont(cellstyle.fontname, =
cellstyle.fontsize, cellstyle.leading)
            self._curcellstyle =3D cellstyle

        just =3D cellstyle.alignment
        valign =3D cellstyle.valign
        n =3D type(cellval)
        if n in _SeqTypes or isinstance(cellval,Flowable):
            if not n in _SeqTypes: cellval =3D (cellval,)
            # we assume it's a list of Flowables
            W =3D []
            H =3D []
            w, h =3D =
self._listCellGeom(cellval,colwidth,cellstyle,W=3DW, H=3DH)
            if valign=3D=3D'TOP':
                y =3D rowpos + rowheight - cellstyle.topPadding
            elif valign=3D=3D'BOTTOM':
                y =3D rowpos+cellstyle.bottomPadding + h
                y =3D =
            y =3D y+cellval[0].getSpaceBefore()
            for v, w, h in map(None,cellval,W,H):
                if just=3D=3D'LEFT': x =3D colpos+cellstyle.leftPadding
                elif just=3D=3D'RIGHT': x =3D =
colpos+colwidth-cellstyle.rightPadding - w
                elif just in ('CENTRE', 'CENTER'):
                    x =3D =
                    raise ValueError, 'Invalid justification %s' % just
                y =3D y - v.getSpaceBefore()
                y =3D y - h
                y =3D y - v.getSpaceAfter()
            if just =3D=3D 'LEFT':
                draw =3D self.canv.drawString
                x =3D colpos + cellstyle.leftPadding
            elif just in ('CENTRE', 'CENTER'):
                draw =3D self.canv.drawCentredString
                x =3D colpos + colwidth * 0.5
            elif just =3D=3D 'RIGHT':
                draw =3D self.canv.drawRightString
                x =3D colpos + colwidth - cellstyle.rightPadding
                raise ValueError, 'Invalid justification %s' % just
            if n is StringType: val =3D cellval
            else: val =3D str(cellval)
            vals =3D string.split(val, "\n")
            n =3D len(vals)
            leading =3D cellstyle.leading
            fontsize =3D cellstyle.fontsize
            if valign=3D=3D'BOTTOM':
                y =3D rowpos + =
            elif valign=3D=3D'TOP':
                y =3D rowpos + rowheight - cellstyle.topPadding - =
            elif valign=3D=3D'MIDDLE':
                y =3D rowpos + (cellstyle.bottomPadding + =
                raise ValueError, "Bad valign: '%s'" % str(valign)

            for v in vals:
                draw(x, y, v)
                y =3D y-leading

# for text,
#   drawCentredString(self, x, y, text) where x is center
#   drawRightString(self, x, y, text) where x is right
#   drawString(self, x, y, text) where x is left

_LineOpMap =3D {  'GRID':'_drawGrid',
                'LINEAFTER':'_drawVLinesA', }

LINECOMMANDS =3D _LineOpMap.keys()

def _isLineCommand(cmd):
    return cmd[0] in LINECOMMANDS

def _setCellStyle(cellStyles, i, j, op, values):
    #new =3D CellStyle('<%d, %d>' % (i,j), cellStyles[i][j])
    #cellStyles[i][j] =3D new
    ## modify in place!!!
    new =3D cellStyles[i][j]
    if op =3D=3D 'FONT':
        n =3D len(values)
        new.fontname =3D values[0]
        if n>1:
            new.fontsize =3D values[1]
            if n>2:
                new.leading =3D values[2]
                new.leading =3D new.fontsize*1.2
    elif op in ('FONTNAME', 'FACE'):
        new.fontname =3D values[0]
    elif op in ('SIZE', 'FONTSIZE'):
        new.fontsize =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'LEADING':
        new.leading =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'TEXTCOLOR':
        new.color =3D colors.toColor(values[0], colors.Color(0,0,0))
    elif op in ('ALIGN', 'ALIGNMENT'):
        new.alignment =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'VALIGN':
        new.valign =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'LEFTPADDING':
        new.leftPadding =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'RIGHTPADDING':
        new.rightPadding =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'TOPPADDING':
        new.topPadding =3D values[0]
    elif op =3D=3D 'BOTTOMPADDING':
        new.bottomPadding =3D values[0]

GRID_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
BOX_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.50, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    [('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    [('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.red),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
LIST_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.green),
     ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2, colors.green),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]

def test():
    from reportlab.lib.units import inch
    rowheights =3D (24, 16, 16, 16, 16)
    rowheights2 =3D (24, 16, 16, 16, 30)
    colwidths =3D (50, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32)
    data =3D (
        ('', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar','Apr','May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', =
'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'),
        ('Mugs', 0, 4, 17, 3, 21, 47, 12, 33, 2, -2, 44, 89),
        ('T-Shirts', 0, 42, 9, -3, 16, 4, 72, 89, 3, 19, 32, 119),
        ('Key Ring', 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,13),
        ('Hats', 893, 912, '1,212', 643, 789, 159, 888, '1,298', 832, =
453, '1,344','2,843')
    data2 =3D (
        ('', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar','Apr','May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', =
'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'),
        ('Mugs', 0, 4, 17, 3, 21, 47, 12, 33, 2, -2, 44, 89),
        ('T-Shirts', 0, 42, 9, -3, 16, 4, 72, 89, 3, 19, 32, 119),
        ('Key Ring', 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,13),
        ('Hats\nLarge', 893, 912, '1,212', 643, 789, 159, 888, '1,298', =
832, 453, '1,344','2,843')
    styleSheet =3D getSampleStyleSheet()
    lst =3D []
    lst.append(Paragraph("Tables", styleSheet['Heading1']))
    lst.append(Paragraph(__doc__, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    lst.append(Paragraph("The LongTables (shown in different styles =
below) were created using the following code:", =
    colwidths =3D (50, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32)
    rowheights =3D (24, 16, 16, 16, 16)
    data =3D (
        ('', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar','Apr','May', 'Jun',
           'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'),
        ('Mugs', 0, 4, 17, 3, 21, 47, 12, 33, 2, -2, 44, 89),
        ('T-Shirts', 0, 42, 9, -3, 16, 4, 72, 89, 3, 19, 32, 119),
        ('Key Ring', 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,13),
        ('Hats', 893, 912, '1,212', 643, 789, 159,
             888, '1,298', 832, 453, '1,344','2,843')
    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    """, styleSheet['Code'], dedent=3D4))
    You can then give the LongTable a TableStyle object to control its =
format. The first TableStyle used was
    created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
GRID_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))
    TableStyles are created by passing in a list of commands. There are =
two types of commands - line commands
    and cell formatting commands. In all cases, the first three =
elements of a command are the command name,
    the starting cell and the ending cell.
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    Line commands always follow this with the weight and color of the =
desired lines. Colors can be names,
    or they can be specified as a (R,G,B) tuple, where R, G and B are =
floats and (0,0,0) is black. The line
    command names are: GRID, BOX, OUTLINE, INNERGRID, LINEBELOW, =
    and LINEAFTER. BOX and OUTLINE are equivalent, and GRID is the =
equivalent of applying both BOX and
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    Cell formatting commands are:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    FONT - takes fontname, fontsize and (optional) leading.
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    TEXTCOLOR - takes a color name or (R,G,B) tuple.
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    ALIGNMENT (or ALIGN) - takes one of LEFT, RIGHT and CENTRE (or =
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    LEFTPADDING - defaults to 6.
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    RIGHTPADDING - defaults to 6.
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    BOTTOMPADDING - defaults to 3.
    """, styleSheet['Definition']))
    A tablestyle is applied to a table by calling =
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is GRID_STYLE\n", =

    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is BOX_STYLE\n", =
    It was created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
BOX_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.50, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))

    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is LABELED_GRID_STYLE\n", =
    t =3D LongTable(data2, colwidths, rowheights2)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is LABELED_GRID_STYLE ILLUSTRATES =
EXPLICIT LINE SPLITTING WITH NEWLINE (different heights and data)\n", =
    It was created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    [('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))

    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is COLORED_GRID_STYLE\n", =
    It was created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    [('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.red),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),
     ('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))

    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is LIST_STYLE\n", =
    It was created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
LIST_STYLE =3D TableStyle(
    [('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.green),
     ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2, colors.green),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))

    t =3D LongTable(data, colwidths, rowheights)
    ts =3D TableStyle(
    [('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.green),
     ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 3, colors.green,'butt'),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 1, colors.white,'butt'),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT'),
     ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,1), (0,-1), colors.red),
     ('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), colors.Color(0,0.7,0.7))]
    lst.append(Paragraph("This is a custom style\n", =
    It was created as follows:
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
   ts =3D TableStyle(
    [('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.green),
     ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 3, colors.green,'butt'),
     ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 1, colors.white,'butt'),
     ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT'),
     ('TEXTCOLOR', (0,1), (0,-1), colors.red),
     ('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), colors.Color(0,0.7,0.7))]
    """, styleSheet['Code']))
    data =3D (
        ('', 'Jan\nCold', 'Feb\n', 'Mar\n','Apr\n','May\n', 'Jun\nHot', =
'Jul\n', 'Aug\nThunder', 'Sep\n', 'Oct\n', 'Nov\n', 'Dec\n'),
        ('Mugs', 0, 4, 17, 3, 21, 47, 12, 33, 2, -2, 44, 89),
        ('T-Shirts', 0, 42, 9, -3, 16, 4, 72, 89, 3, 19, 32, 119),
        ('Key Ring', 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,13),
        ('Hats', 893, 912, '1,212', 643, 789, 159, 888, '1,298', 832, =
453, '1,344','2,843')
    c =3D list(colwidths)
    c[0] =3D None
    c[8] =3D None
    t =3D LongTable(data, c, [None]+list(rowheights[1:]))
        This is a LIST_STYLE table with the first rowheight set to None =
ie automatic.
        The top row cells are split at a newline '\\n' character. The =
first and August
        column widths were also set to None.
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
        The red numbers should be aligned LEFT &amp; BOTTOM, the blue =
        and the green CENTER &amp; MIDDLE.
    """, styleSheet['BodyText']))
    XY  =3D   [['X00y', 'X01y', 'X02y', 'X03y', 'X04y'],
            ['X10y', 'X11y', 'X12y', 'X13y', 'X14y'],
            ['X20y', 'X21y', 'X22y', 'X23y', 'X24y'],
            ['X30y', 'X31y', 'X32y', 'X33y', 'X34y']]
    t=3DLongTable(XY, 5*[0.6*inch], 4*[0.6*inch])


                ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
                ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
    data =3D [('alignment', 'align\012alignment'),
            ('bulletColor', 'bulletcolor\012bcolor'),
            ('bulletFontName', 'bfont\012bulletfontname'),
            ('bulletFontSize', 'bfontsize\012bulletfontsize'),
            ('bulletIndent', 'bindent\012bulletindent'),
            ('firstLineIndent', 'findent\012firstlineindent'),
            ('fontName', 'face\012fontname\012font'),
            ('fontSize', 'size\012fontsize'),
            ('leading', 'leading'),
            ('leftIndent', 'leftindent\012lindent'),
            ('rightIndent', 'rightindent\012rindent'),
            ('spaceAfter', 'spaceafter\012spacea'),
            ('spaceBefore', 'spacebefore\012spaceb'),
            ('textColor', 'fg\012textcolor\012color')]
    t =3D LongTable(data)
            ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
            ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
    t =3D LongTable([ ('Attribute', 'Synonyms'),
                ('alignment', 'align, alignment'),
                ('bulletColor', 'bulletcolor, bcolor'),
                ('bulletFontName', 'bfont, bulletfontname'),
                ('bulletFontSize', 'bfontsize, bulletfontsize'),
                ('bulletIndent', 'bindent, bulletindent'),
                ('firstLineIndent', 'findent, firstlineindent'),
                ('fontName', 'face, fontname, font'),
                ('fontSize', 'size, fontsize'),
                ('leading', 'leading'),
                ('leftIndent', 'leftindent, lindent'),
                ('rightIndent', 'rightindent, rindent'),
                ('spaceAfter', 'spaceafter, spacea'),
                ('spaceBefore', 'spacebefore, spaceb'),
                ('textColor', 'fg, textcolor, color')])
    t.repeatRows =3D 1
                ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
                ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
                ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.green),
                ('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (-1, -1), colors.pink),
                ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'),
                ('ALIGN', (0, 1), (0, -1), 'LEFT'),
                ('ALIGN', (-1, 1), (-1, -1), 'RIGHT'),
                ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Times-Bold', 12),
                ('ALIGN', (1, 1), (1, -1), 'CENTER'),
            style=3D[ ('FONT',(0,0),(-1,-1),'Times-Roman', 5,6),
                    ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.blue),]))
            style=3D[ ('FONT',(0,0),(-1,-1),'Times-Roman', 10,12),
                    ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),]))
            style=3D[ ('FONT',(0,0),(-1,-1),'Times-Roman', 20,24),
                    ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.red),]))
    data=3D  [['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
            ['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
            ['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
            ['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
                    ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 1), colors.pink),
                    ('BACKGROUND', (1, 1), (1, 2), colors.lavender),
                    ('BACKGROUND', (2, 2), (2, 3), colors.orange),
    for s in t.split(4*inch,30):
    for s in t.split(4*inch,36):

    for s in t.split(4*inch,56):

    import os, reportlab.platypus
    I =3D =
    I.drawHeight =3D 1.25*inch*I.drawHeight / I.drawWidth
    I.drawWidth =3D 1.25*inch
    #I.drawWidth =3D 9.25*inch #uncomment to see better messaging
    P =3D Paragraph("<para align=3Dcenter spaceb=3D3>The <b>ReportLab =
Left <font color=3Dred>Logo</font></b> Image</para>", =
    data=3D  [['A', 'B', 'C', Paragraph("<b>A pa<font =
color=3Dred>r</font>a<i>graph</i></b><super><font =
color=3Dyellow>1</font></super>",styleSheet["BodyText"]), 'D'],
            ['00', '01', '02', [I,P], '04'],
            ['10', '11', '12', [I,P], '14'],
            ['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
            ['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]

                    ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 1), colors.pink),
                    ('BACKGROUND', (1, 1), (1, 2), colors.lavender),
                    ('BACKGROUND', (2, 2), (2, 3), colors.orange),


    # now for an attempt at column spanning.
    colWidths =3D [24] * 5
    rowHeight =3D [20] * 5
    data=3D  [['A', 'BBBBB', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
            ['00', '01', '02', '03', '04'],
            ['10', '11', '12', '13', '14'],
            ['20', '21', '22', '23', '24'],
            ['30', '31', '32', '33', '34']]
    sty =3D [

            #span 'BBBB' across middle 3 cells in top row
            #now color the first cell in this range only,
            #i.e. the one we want to have spanned.  Hopefuly
            #the range of 3 will come out khaki.


            #span 'AAA'down entire left column           =20
            ('SPAN',(0,0), (0, 1)),

    t=3DLongTable(data,style=3Dsty, colWidths =3D [20] * 5, rowHeights =
=3D [20]*5)

    SimpleDocTemplate('longtables.pdf', showBoundary=3D1).build(lst)

if __name__ =3D=3D '__main__':
