[reportlab-users] Where can I find a list of what I need to import

Robin Becker reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:03:18 +0100

In article <1058442132.2501.7.camel@24-159-241-21.jvl.wi.charter.com>,
Mike Wagman <mwagman@charter.net> writes
>Just downloaded reportlab yesterday. Did a little with it and was very
>impressed (I wrote a program that generates blank hexmaps). 
>Try to add a table to a document and I think I don't have the imports I
>need, but I can't find in the docs what you have to import to use the
>various functions. 
>       Thanks = Mike
most of the tables etc are imported from reportlab.platypus. If you look
in the reportlab/test directory you'll see a bunch of tests for all
things reportlab. A quick glance at the sources should get you most of
the way to where you want to go.
Robin Becker