[reportlab-users] Re: Generating huge reports and memory consumption

Robin Becker reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 14:32:15 +0000

In article <oq4r8q2as1.fsf@titan.progiciels-bpi.ca>, François Pinard <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca> writes

following your and Martin v. Löwis' suggestions

I used code below which attempts to count everything and uses len, marshal, cPickle to try and size

I used python -v to run the test script to produce 400 & 500 pages.
The output does not show increases in gc visible objects.
The gc_check for 400 produces the same output as for 500 ie I see stability
in gc visible objects.

Even so I still see differences in the freed floats
(from the -v option cleanup output). Interestingly I see no floats
mentioned in the output of gc_check. I assume they're all in containers. 
case 400
# cleanup floats: 4544 unfreed floats in 74 out of 74 blocks
case 500
# cleanup floats: 5544 unfreed floats in 90 out of 90 blocks

Is there any way to get more information about the 'unfreed' things
mentioned by the cleanup?

import gc, marshal, cPickle
from types import InstanceType
def gc_check(quiet=0):
    if quiet: return
    print 'Number collected:',gc.collect(),'Length of garbage:',len(gc.garbage)
    O = gc.get_objects()
    print 'Number of objects:', len(O)
    D = {}
    L = {}
    M = {}
    P = {}
    for o in O:
        t = type(o)
        if t is InstanceType:
            name = '<class %s>' % o.__class__.__name__
            if not D.has_key(name): D[name] = 1
            else: D[name] += 1
            name = t.__name__
            if not D.has_key(name): D[name] = 1
            else: D[name] += 1
            L[name] = L.get(name,0)+len(o)
            M[name] = M.get(name,0)+len(marshal.dumps(o))
            P[name] = P.get(name,0)+len(cPickle.dumps(o))
    K = D.keys()
    print 'Objects:'
    for k in K:
        print '',k,D[k],L.get(k,'?'),M.get(k,'?'),P.get(k,'?')

from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.platypus import *
def main(n,quiet):
    story = []
    i = 0
    for x in xrange(n):
        i = i + 1
        if i % 100==0:
            fn = "test_%04d.pdf" % i
            print 'Build',fn
            story = []
    if story:
        fn = "test_%04d.pdf"%i
        print 'Build',fn
        story = []

if __name__=='__main__':
    import sys
    quiet = '-q' in sys.argv
    if quiet: sys.argv.remove('-q')
        n = int(sys.argv[1])
        n = 400

Last iterations of output.

Build test_0400.pdf
Number collected: 21 Length of garbage: 0
Number of objects: 6741
 <class ActionFlowable> 1 ? ? 93
 <class CMYKColor> 2 ? ? 418
 <class Color> 143 ? ? 17859
 <class Encoding> 1 ? ? 3089
 <class Font> 2 ? ? 17592
 <class Logger> 1 ? ? ?
 <class MemoryError> 1 ? ? 52
 <class NoEncryption> 2 ? ? 100
 <class PCMYKColor> 2 ? ? 420
 <class PDFStreamFilterBase85Encode> 1 ? ? 65
 <class PDFStreamFilterZCompress> 1 ? ? 62
 <class ParaParser> 1 ? ? ?
 <class Sequencer> 1 ? ? 255
 <class TableStyle> 5 ? ? 1977
 <class TypeFace> 2 ? ? 11888
 <class WarnOnce> 2 ? ? 202
 <class _Environ> 1 36 ? 2282
 <class _Feature> 3 ? ? 438
 <class _FrameBreak> 1 ? ? 89
 <class _Helper> 1 ? ? 25
 <class _Name2StandardEncodingMap> 1 7 ? 14599
 <class _Printer> 3 ? ? 1108
 <class _ThreadSafeCounter> 1 ? ? ?
 class 167 ? 1 6231
 dict 595 14011 305269 388256
 frame 3 ? ? ?
 function 1053 ? ? 9223
 getset_descriptor 18 ? ? ?
 instance method 19 ? ? ?
 list 94 1442 12843 17399
 member_descriptor 91 ? ? ?
 method_descriptor 112 ? ? ?
 module 77 ? ? ?
 tuple 3897 21737 299169 331236
 weakref 37 ? ? ?
 wrapper_descriptor 399 ? ? ?
Build test_0500.pdf
Number collected: 21 Length of garbage: 0
Number of objects: 6741
 <class ActionFlowable> 1 ? ? 93
 <class CMYKColor> 2 ? ? 418
 <class Color> 143 ? ? 17859
 <class Encoding> 1 ? ? 3089
 <class Font> 2 ? ? 17592
 <class Logger> 1 ? ? ?
 <class MemoryError> 1 ? ? 52
 <class NoEncryption> 2 ? ? 100
 <class PCMYKColor> 2 ? ? 420
 <class PDFStreamFilterBase85Encode> 1 ? ? 65
 <class PDFStreamFilterZCompress> 1 ? ? 62
 <class ParaParser> 1 ? ? ?
 <class Sequencer> 1 ? ? 255
 <class TableStyle> 5 ? ? 1977
 <class TypeFace> 2 ? ? 11888
 <class WarnOnce> 2 ? ? 202
 <class _Environ> 1 36 ? 2282
 <class _Feature> 3 ? ? 438
 <class _FrameBreak> 1 ? ? 89
 <class _Helper> 1 ? ? 25
 <class _Name2StandardEncodingMap> 1 7 ? 14599
 <class _Printer> 3 ? ? 1108
 <class _ThreadSafeCounter> 1 ? ? ?
 class 167 ? 1 6231
 dict 595 14011 305269 388256
 frame 3 ? ? ?
 function 1053 ? ? 9223
 getset_descriptor 18 ? ? ?
 instance method 19 ? ? ?
 list 94 1442 12843 17399
 member_descriptor 91 ? ? ?
 method_descriptor 112 ? ? ?
 module 77 ? ? ?
 tuple 3897 21737 299169 331236
 weakref 37 ? ? ?
 wrapper_descriptor 399 ? ? ?
Number collected: 9 Length of garbage: 0
Number of objects: 6739
 <class ActionFlowable> 1 ? ? 93
 <class CMYKColor> 2 ? ? 418
 <class Color> 143 ? ? 17859
 <class Encoding> 1 ? ? 3089
 <class Font> 2 ? ? 17592
 <class Logger> 1 ? ? ?
 <class MemoryError> 1 ? ? 52
 <class NoEncryption> 2 ? ? 100
 <class PCMYKColor> 2 ? ? 420
 <class PDFStreamFilterBase85Encode> 1 ? ? 65
 <class PDFStreamFilterZCompress> 1 ? ? 62
 <class ParaParser> 1 ? ? ?
 <class Sequencer> 1 ? ? 255
 <class TableStyle> 5 ? ? 1977
 <class TypeFace> 2 ? ? 11888
 <class WarnOnce> 2 ? ? 202
 <class _Environ> 1 36 ? 2282
 <class _Feature> 3 ? ? 438
 <class _FrameBreak> 1 ? ? 89
 <class _Helper> 1 ? ? 25
 <class _Name2StandardEncodingMap> 1 7 ? 14599
 <class _Printer> 3 ? ? 1108
 <class _ThreadSafeCounter> 1 ? ? ?
 class 167 ? 1 6231
 dict 595 14011 305269 388256
 frame 2 ? ? ?
 function 1053 ? ? 9223
 getset_descriptor 18 ? ? ?
 instance method 19 ? ? ?
 list 93 1442 12838 17393
 member_descriptor 91 ? ? ?
 method_descriptor 112 ? ? ?
 module 77 ? ? ?
 tuple 3897 21737 299169 331236
 weakref 37 ? ? ?
 wrapper_descriptor 399 ? ? ?

Robin Becker