[reportlab-users] using non standard fonts

Alessandro Praduroux reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 17:46:14 +0100

Hi all, 

I'm trying to import a non standard font (Type 1) and to map the font to the 
variations (bold, italic, bolditalic). I can import the typeface, but when I 
try to use <b>bold</b> into the paragraph I don't get any bold face.

To load the font, I have a small description file that looks like that:


and when I load the font, I do the following:

	# fnt is the description file
        for ln in fnt.readlines():
            ln = ln.strip()
            tp = ln.split("=")[0]
            files = ln.split("=")[1].split(",")
            afmFile = os.path.join(folder + os.sep + 'enc',files[0])
            pfbFile = os.path.join(folder + os.sep + 'enc',files[1])
            justFace = pdfmetrics.EmbeddedType1Face(afmFile, pfbFile)
            faceName = justFace.name
            if not extFace: 
                extFace = faceName
            justFont = pdfmetrics.Font(faceName,faceName,'WinAnsiEncoding')
                if tp == "plain":
                if tp == "bold":
                if tp == "italic":
                if tp == "bolditalic":
                pass # if we can't register a font, just give up

Looking in pdfmetrics.registerTypeFace, I see the following:
    if not face.name in standardFonts:
        fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 0, face.name)
        fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 0, face.name)
        fonts.addMapping(ttname, 0, 1, face.name)
        fonts.addMapping(ttname, 1, 1, face.name)

So, it seems to me that whatever I do to load my font and register the correct 
mapping, the values I supply are just ignored. 

Is there a smarter way to do it, or I have to play with _tt2ps_map and friends 
to get the desired behaviour? (that does not seem an option to me, playing 
with the internals of the lib...)