[reportlab-users] Can we change the color of each bar in a vertical bar chart

Robin Becker reportlab-users@reportlab.com
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 17:43:47 +0100

> help...
>That doesn't work, because the indices apply to bar "series" as a
>whole. One-dimensional data means you have one series (with one
>color) multi-dimentsional data means you have more than one series
>and one different color per series. If you want individual bar col-
>ouring within one series you need to hack your own Chart subclass,
>possibly by overlaying multiple single barcharts with only one iso-
>lated bar each, like I did in my Telco sample here:
>  http://python.net/~gherman/tmp/TelcoInvoice.pdf
>Fun, isn't it? ;-)
well for once Dinu has mis-remembered :)

you can actually use sequences as arguments to the bars thing.


#Autogenerated by ReportLab guiedit do not edit
import reportlab
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, _DrawingEditorMixin
from reportlab.lib.colors import blue
from fidelity.epscharts.webbuttons import yellow

class Drawing_003(_DrawingEditorMixin,Drawing):
        def __init__(self,width=400,height=200,*args,**kw):
                self.chart.bars[(0,1)].fillColor = yellow
                self.chart.bars[(0, 0)].fillColor = blue

if __name__=="__main__": #NORUNTESTS

Robin Becker