NACR Daily Meditation for Saturday, May 31, 2003
31 May 2003 07:00:01 -0000


NACR Daily Meditation for Saturday, May 31, 2003


Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They
said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.

Mark 16:8

The most reliable early manuscripts of the Gospel of Mark end with this
verse. Mark's version of the Good News ends with this very high drama. Just
at the point in the story where we might have expected to find rejoicing,
we find fear. The women are afraid. Just at the point where we might have
expected confidence, we find uncertainty. The women are bewildered. What
a remarkable thing that the people chosen by God to be the first messengers
of the Good News were too frightened and bewildered to speak! God chose
to entrust the future of the Kingdom to people with limited courage.

God knows our courage is limited. He knows that fear can immobilize us.
God does not shame us for being afraid. God has trusted people with this kind
of limit in the past. God does not need us to have unshakable faith. 

The women in this text did eventually speak. Courage was granted to them.
Fears faced without shame will lose their power to immobilize us. God knows
that fear is part of our human condition. Our fears do not keep God from
entrusting us to be message bearers of Good News.

Thank you, Lord, 
for entrusting the Kingdom
to the tired and traumatized.
Thank you for accepting me 
and my limited courage.
Help me today to accept my limits, Lord.
Help me to give my fears to you.

Copyright 1991 Dale and Juanita Ryan 
ROOTED IN GOD'S LOVE (the book from which these meditations are taken, is back in print! To order call our office at 714-529-6227 ext 111 or order online at
Meditations from previous days can be viewed at:
Plan now to join us at STEPS 2003, a national conference for Christians in recovery jointly sponsored by the NACR and Overcomers Outreach. It will be held June 26-28, 2003 in Southern California. Plenary speakers are Steve Arterburn, David Stoop, Rich Buhler, Sandra Wilson, Mark Laaser and Ann Kiemel Anderson. Over 45 workshops. Support groups. Specialized gatherings. And lots of fellowship and support for your recovery. Details as they become available and online registration will be at:
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