NACR Daily Meditation for Saturday, Jan 4, 2003
4 Jan 2003 08:00:00 -0000


NACR Daily Meditation for Saturday, Jan 4, 2003


I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. 

Psalm 131:1-2

A weaned child in the psalmist's culture is a child who can walk and talk. It is a child who for many months has been nourished day and night at it's mother's breast. Every time the pain of hunger came, the child enjoyed the powerful combination of having its stomach filled with warm milk while being held in a close, intimate embrace. Messages of love and valuing flowed into the child's spirit while the life-sustaining milk flowed into its body.

Love and nourishment are the soil in which security grows. A weaned child still needs to eat. But, it is not frantic about its next meal. It has learned that it's needs are important, that they will be noticed and that they can be met. Because of the love and nourishment it has received, a weaned child has grown secure.

Recovery is like being loved and nourished until we can be weaned. We don't grow out of having needs - our goal is not mere self reliance. Rather our goal is to experience love and nourishment. As we do so, we gradually become less frantic about our next meal. We grow. We heal. Eventually a new kind of security grows in us - not the security of toxic self-reliance, but the security that comes from nurture. We become less frantic, less fragile. Our souls become stilled and quieted. 

Nourish me, Lord. 
Nourish me with your love.
Calm the frantic feelings within me.
Grow a sense of security within me.
I want to be able to sit quietly.
Like a weaned child.
Secure in your love.

Copyright 1991 Dale and Juanita Ryan
ROOTED IN GOD'S LOVE (the book from which these meditations are taken, is back in print! To order call our office at 714-529-6227 ext 111 or order online at
Meditations from previous days can be viewed at:
Plan now to join us at STEPS 2003, a national conference for Christians in recovery jointly sponsored by the NACR and Overcomers Outreach. It will be held June 26-28, 2003 in Southern California. Plenary speakers are Steve Arterburn, David Stoop, Rich Buhler, Sandra Wilson, Mark Laaser and Ann Kiemel Anderson. Over 45 workshops. Support groups. Specialized gatherings. And lots of fellowship and support for your recovery. Details as they become available and online registration will be at:
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