NACR Daily Meditation: Temporary Suspension of Service
1 Dec 2002 04:51:06 -0000

Dear friends,

The NACR Daily Meditation will not be sent for a few days while I look for a solution to the duplicate email problems that we have been experiencing. Some people on this list have been receiving as many as 20 or more copies of the daily meditation in the last few days -- and some of you may receive multiple copies of THIS email. This is just not acceptable and I apologize to any of you who have experienced this problem.  Our hosting provider has suggested moving to a different server and assures us that such a move has solved this kind of problem in the past.  So, in a day or so, the meditations will resume. If you continue to receive multiple copies of any of the daily meditations in the future, please send me an email about it right away. Thanks.

May your roots sink deeply in the soil of God's love,

Dale S. Ryan
