[DogParkList] Mac Doppler Cocoa and Yaseu FT-736R

Dave hartzell hartzell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 18:49:38 EST 2006


Just wondering if anyone has any experience operating with the
FT-736R.   I'm using an IO Gear USB to Serial adapter, and a third
party (non-Yaseu) TTL to RS232 adapter (LCU-3Y1).

I'm not having any problems, per se, but I do see some "quirkiness",
and I'm not sure if its me, the rig, the TTL/RS-232 interface, or the

For example, frequency adjustment works fine, as do mode settings and
encoder settings, but once in a while, something strange happens. 
Sometimes the mode (FM, LSB, USB) doesn't get set.  Other times I see
that the for some reason the rig is transmitting, without manual
keying (from me).

Also, I see that when trying to work VO-52, which uses a 2m downlink
and 440 up, frequency selection does not occur, like it does with
FO-29 or AO-51.  I don't know if this is the rig, but when I take the
unit out of CAT mode and swap the VFO bands manually, control is then
fine from MacDopplerCocoa.

Again, no complaints (software is awesome), as this could be the rig
or the interface.   I've tried adjusting the timing between the
commands, but I'm not sure if that has helped.

Cheers and 73,


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