
Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List Description
1on1pc [no description available]
aboriginalart Utopian Aboriginal Art Community Mailing List
Advocatelist Israel Advocate mailing list
Affiliate Affiliates
Balloonmail Aeronauts' Global Balloon Mail
Beer Bluff City Brewers Mailing List
Chamber [no description available]
CL-Newsletter Carolina League Newsletter
Cohonews [no description available]
DogParkList Dog Park Info List
Eliot-toasted [no description available]
Elist Supporting Windows Desktop Systems
Equifaxconsumerdatabase [no description available]
Heartlight [no description available]
HOMEOPATHYCALENDAR Events Calendar for Homeopathy Seminars
IAHHChospice [no description available]
IAHHCmemberforum [no description available]
Imc [no description available]
Imc-editorial [no description available]
ISPAA Alumni News Letter
JRS-Dispatches-English Twice monthly news bulletin from the JRS
JRS-Dispatches-Espanol Twice monthly news bulletin from the JRS
kbList [no description available]
Klist [no description available]
KSussland-announce [no description available]
Medicine-for-people Monthly Health Newsletter from the Rienstra Clinic
Membership [no description available]
Meteorite-list The Meteorite Mailing List
Novedades-trabajo [no description available]
Orangebellyupdate [no description available]
OS-Trends [no description available]
Pcrproject [no description available]
Pegase Liste de distribution du club Pegase
Prayernetwork [no description available]
Psgnews PSG News
Ravinalalist News dalla Ravinala, dal Madagascar, dal Commercio Equo e Solidale
Reportlab-announce [no description available]
reportlab-users reportlab-users
Silent-pc [no description available]
Singlegourmet [no description available]
Spin2knit_list [no description available]
TFM Commentary on web usability
tocml-list Table of Contents Markup Language (TOCML) development happens here.
tools_discuss IGDA Tools SIG Mailing List
Utwnews United Turnpike Workers News
Veronicalist [no description available]
Virtuosoagents [no description available]
Vit-newsletter [no description available]
Wellrefuge [no description available]
Werblist Commentary and analysis from Kevin Werbach
Wolfdev Momentum: an iCal Server project

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